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Brave New World

Writer's picture: JG .JG .

Updated: Mar 8, 2024

Last month, Apple released its Vision Pro – a virtual reality headset designed for people to wear during most of their waking hours which they configure to their own specifications, allowing them to live in their own virtual world. The variety of applications that they use to construct their world are not seen by anyone else, so everyone using these devices will be living in different realities. This is exactly what the human race needs right now. We need to be not only more dependent on technology, but seamlessly connected to technology, to the extent that we are completely disconnected from other flesh and blood human beings. This will make the world a better place, further detaching humans from each other, giving humans the ability to completely immerse every part of themselves into a technologically created simulated existence so we can become further and further separated from reality and each other.


In recent years, society has continually rejected the idea of shared objective truth and embraced personal subjective reality by promoting concepts like “living your own truth” and discovering your “authentic self”. Now through this computer-driven subjective reality, people will not only live their own truth but create it as well. There will no longer be a shared objective truth, but our own private truths. Each person’s objective reality will be their subjective reality that technology created. Since the dawn of history, the universal struggle for humanity has been deciphering between the subjective and the objective. No longer will that battle exist. Everything will become subjective. And then, when everything is subjective, whoever controls the technology which creates the subjective reality will be able to dictate everyone’s objective reality.


In previous generations, most of the people who are driving this technological revolution would have been seen as “nerds”. The people in school who just didn’t fit in, who didn’t have the ability to make personal connections with other human beings. Many of them are a lot like Elon Musk, borderline Asperger’s who feel more natural connecting to a machine than to a human being. So, these people created technology like the computer, the smart phone, and now virtual reality machines, because that is where they feel most connected in the world.


Elon Musk is now working on a technology called Neuralink, which is a computer chip implanted into our brains to allow us to seamlessly connect our whole bodies to the computer or Internet. Only a person who is so emotionally void could view this as a good. The people who are creating these things, do not understand the value of human connection, because they never had the social skills to engage in significant human interactions in their lives. Their minds were not wired to need other human beings. They were just as content connecting with machines as they were with real live people.


Most of the rest of us are flesh and blood human beings, who not only need human connection and human interaction, we thrive on it. It is our life blood, but most humans can very easily get trapped in this computer-generated world and allow our humanity to shrivel away. You go out to dinner, and you see four people sitting at a table, and all four are looking down at their phones for most of the evening. We are all turning into these emotionless machines, who prefer staring at blips on a screen, then staring into the eyes of the one we love. Almost every human connection these days is filtered through a machine whether it is talking on a cell phone or texting or Face Timing or D-Ming, and now they want to sell us a device that we wear in our heads to filter our entire existence through, turning us into as mass of Arnold Schwarzeneggers in the Terminator.


Computers, through Artificial Intelligence (AI), are now producing our art. Art has always been an expression of what it means to be human, but now we have machines telling humans what it means to be human. The inauthenticity of that dynamic negates the entire artistic expression that it produces. Their ultimate goal is to strip the humanity away from human beings, and when we are no longer humans, when we become part of the machines, they can do whatever they want to us. They can decommission us at their will with no remorse. They have no understanding of what it is to be human, of what makes humanity so unique and special. It is not how smart we are, or how high functioning we are, or how much we know, it is everything about us that cannot be produced by a computer – our consciousness, our hopes, our dreams, our fears, our compassion, our love, our belief in things greater than ourselves, our ability to contemplate our own mortality. These people are trying to remove the humanity from the human race primarily because they have very little humanity themselves. 


The world is not a better place because of these technological advances. It is not. Israel and the Palestinians are still fighting; Russia is at war with its neighbors again; millions of people are still starving to death. Millions  are committing suicide every year; hundreds of thousands are dying of drug overdoses. Over 50% of marriages are still ending in divorce. People are still murdering each other. People are still raping each other. With each one of these technological advancements, society seems to be getting worse, not better. In fact, technology has made our ability to harm each other much easier – cyber-crime, identity theft, child exploitation are at an all-time high because of all of this new technology.


We are not any closer than we were before. We are more connected, but we’re not closer. And the way that we are connected these days has prevented us from making those true human connections we need. What the world is missing, cannot be produced by a computer or a virtual reality machine, in fact, those things are inhibiting us from getting the real human connection we are starving for. We need more reality, not virtual reality. We need real life human interaction, and the people who have created this brave new world built it to not need human interaction.


The goal of all of this technology is to totally consume the users’ lives. The business model for all of these technologies, whether it’s a computer, iPad, iPhone, virtual reality device, or the countless apps that you download onto those devices, is to create addiction. They rely on the users becoming addicted to the technology. They tweak the algorithms which govern the apps to create the most addictive platforms possible, so people will get lost in these completely unreal and made-up worlds.


And we all know the endgame. Ultimately, all this will be used for behavior modification. Advances like, Musk’s Neuralink, will be sold to the people for medical purposes – to help stroke or spinal cord patients – and then it will be promoted as a way to enhance our intelligence and cognitive ability by giving us the proper data feedback to help us to make better decisions and work more efficiently and productively. Then at some point, the data will be controlled by the government or the oligarchs to control the masses. We are seeing that in real time with social media. Government censors pressured social media companies to control the information spread on their platforms in order to control the population.


These tools will become the consummate distraction of the masses – put on your Vision Pro and live in an alternate reality of your own creation, so you are blinded to what is actually going on in the world. You do not see the things that are being done to you because you are getting a steady stream of dopamine hits. Go live in a fantasy world, because reality is too hard to face. And then, when you become so dependent on that fantasy world, the people who have made your life so miserable that it drove you to live in that fantasy world, will use your dependence on that fantasy to control your lives. If you don’t do what we tell you to do, we will pull the plug on your virtual world. If you do not think the way we want you to think or say the things that we demand that you say, you will not get to live your fantasy, you will not get your dopamine hit.


That is what they are doing with electric cars. Get everybody in an electric car linked up to the internet, and then, the people who control our country will determine whether you can drive or not based on if you adhere to their orthodoxy. We saw that with Covid. If you didn’t take the medicine that they demanded you take, you couldn’t go to work, you couldn’t go to the movies, you couldn’t go out to dinner, you couldn’t support your family. You couldn’t live your life, unless you did what the government told you to do. Why do you think the governments want to turn to complete digital currency? We saw it in Canada. The government didn’t like the trucker protest against the government’s Covid mandates, so the government seized the protesters’ bank accounts, so they would not be able to live their lives if they disagreed with the government.


The people who have created all of these technologies do not care for you and I; they do not care for humanity. They are incapable of that emotion. To them, we are merely data points on their computer screens that they can manipulate or exploit or delete at their convenience. We need more objective truth, not subjective reality. We need more compassion, not more computers; We need more understanding, not more data. We need more humanity, and not more technology.




J Garrett is a graduate from Princeton University. He has been a contributor to the website Real Clear Politics. He has recently published his first novel, No Wind.

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Sam Dehne
Sam Dehne
Mar 04, 2024

Adler Pfingsten
Adler Pfingsten
Mar 03, 2024

I have always found it odd that those who have made their fortunes and manipulate humanity with bits and bytes of binary logic fail to realize they are trespassing on the territory of the Creator of a binary existence; a Creator that has provided clear lines that should never be crossed. There is one verse of scripture that every human being should consider in light of the Convergence Matrix that only just recently, with the death of Queen Elizabeth II, is nearing the end.  


He has made everything beautiful in its time; also the [wisdom of] the world He put into their hearts, save that man should not find the deed which God did, from beginning to end.                             …


Jack Hiller
Jack Hiller
Mar 03, 2024

I am amazed, really shocked that Brandon and his DemoRat Administration have not yet grasped their opportunity to include advocacy and funding for mass adoption of virtual reality headsets for children K-12, and college enrolees. The Army has funded a very large contract with Microsoft for providing soldiers with headsets, only here it makes sense to provide instantly updated data to display enemy positions and activity, and for soldiers to input to the system. We can predict that Brandon, who is now a mental veagitable, missed realizing this new opportunity for mind control, but Newsome will not.


Joel Deutsch
Joel Deutsch
Mar 03, 2024

Well said, Judd. But, remember using AI is a decision, not a requirement — yet.

Art will always be an expression of what it is to be human. AI art is an oxymoron.

“Connected” — to whom or to what?

“There is still time Brother!”

But when AI offers tighter buns and flatter abbs, or worse yet easy weight loss, it’ll probably be game over.

Meanwhile, I’ll wander back into my studio and paint. I don’t want to break the machine, but neither do I wish to be either a part of or controlled by the machine.

A thought provoking piece, as usual. Sorry for my inability to clearly state my thoughts on this evolving human development.

Jack Hiller
Jack Hiller
Mar 03, 2024
Replying to

AI is now actively in use for google searches, as well as for Bing. Many companies are racing to use it to cut costs, and even provide improvements, such as replacing those irritating dumb automated systems used to receive telephone calls and provide info or connect to a live human.

We do not have any choice in the matter, while the Congress is considering legislation to regulate its use.

AI has already proven that the verisions in use will make up phony references to bolster its reports; these phony AI behaviors are termed "hallucination." The fact that the AI programing was capable of hallucinating came as a surprize after being coded, debugged, and placed into use.

AI may of course…


Judd Garrett is a former NFL player, coach and executive. He is a frequent contributer to the website Real Clear Politics, and has recently published his first novel, No Wind

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