The endorsements are raining down. Nancy Pelosi, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Elizabeth Warren, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Jim Clyburn, Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro and many others have all endorsed Kamala Harris for President. Alex Soros endorsed Kamala almost immediately after Biden announced his withdrawal from the Presidential race. Eric Swalwell said that with Kamala Harris at the top of the ticket, Democrats could win the House, Senate and White House. Adam Schiff, who has never met a lie he didn’t tell, said this on The View, about Harris,“It is hard to find someone better qualified in our history to become president.” According to the media, she is the greatest thing to hit American politics since black Jesus – Barack Obama.
Her campaign set a record by bringing in $81 million of donations in 24 hours in the wake of Biden dropping out of the race. George Soros and several other billionaires who are part of the American oligarchy have all vowed to bankroll Harris’ campaign. We all know, these billionaires are not funding her campaign because they love America or want to protect democracy. They didn’t become the richest people on the planet acting that way. They are donating millions to Kamala to protect their billions. They are buying influence. They are buying control. It is an investment, not in America, but in their own vast fortune and power.
Yesterday, Kamala Harris secured enough delegates to become the Democrat nominee without having to do one campaign speech or one rally, before she even set up a campaign office. She is just being handed the Presidential nomination without having to win anything. But she has never actually won anything in her entire life. She was selected Vice President by Joe Biden after he pledged that he would only pick a woman of color to be his running mate, so she just had to beat out Stacy Abrams. Her election to the Senate and as State Attorney General, she ran as a Democrat in a heavily Democrat state, California, so the outcomes were pre-determined. And now, she “wins” the Democrat Presidential nomination without having to secure one vote on one ballot. Compare her to Donald Trump. Trump beat out 20 other Republican candidates in 2016 to secure the Republican nomination. He beat the favored Hillary Clinton in 2016 to become President. He’s beaten two impeachments. He’s beaten multiple investigations. He’s even beaten an assassination attempt. Who would you want in the foxhole fighting beside you, Donald Trump or Kamala Harris? It’s not even a question.
In the one actually contested election that Kamala Harris entered; she was absolutely destroyed. In the 2020 Democratic primary, not only was she beaten by Joe Biden, she was beaten by Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Michael Bloomberg, Amy Klobuchar, Tulsi Gabbard, Tom Steyer, Deval Patrick, Michael Bennet, Andrew Yang, John Delaney, Cory Booker, Marianne Williamson, and Julian Castro. Every one of those 14 candidates receive more votes than Kamala Harris in 2020 primary. She came in 15th place. 15th. So, let me get this straight, they dumped the candidate who won the last two Democrat primaries, and the last Presidential election for one who came in 15th place in 2020 primary? Not only do Republicans hate her, Democrats do not seem to like her very much either. She did beat Bill de Blasio and Beto O’Rourke in that primary, so that can be her one political claim to fame.
What has she done between that disastrous defeat and now to make her worthy of this nomination? She was Vice President under Joe Biden – the President who was just forced to withdraw because his record and his approval ratings were so dismal that it was almost certain that he was going to lose re-election in a landslide. So, Biden’s record is Harris’ record because they are a team – Biden-Harris. Under Biden, Harris was given one job, one job. She was named the “Border Czar”, and she failed as bad as anyone could fail at anything. She wasn’t asked to run the entire country. She wasn’t asked to ensure the security of the world. She was asked to secure our southern border which, at the time, was the most secure that it has been in 40 years. So, her job was simple, ‘don’t eff it up,’ and she, immediately, effed it up.
Under Harris’ watch, 10 million illegal immigrants have walked across our southern border. We have never seen an invasion into our country like this. Drug smugglers, criminal aliens, rapists, murderers, MS-13 gang members, potential terrorists have been free to take refuge in the United States due to Harris’ incompetence or indifference. Every week, we read about another American citizen being raped and murdered by an illegal alien Kamala Harris let into the country. In New York City, rape is up 11% during the surge of illegal immigration that has infested the city due to Harris’ failures. Kamala Harris could not have failed any worse than she did with our border. She turned the most secure border in our history into the least secure border, that would be like taking over the ‘27 Yankees and turning them into the ‘62 Mets. And we find out that during her three years as the “Border Czar”, Harris never spoke to either chief of U.S. Border Patrol – not one conversation, not even an introduction. She had nothing else to do for three and a half years, and she did nothing about an existential threat to our country. Nothing.
Harris’ only other assignment was travelling to Ukraine prior to the Russian-Ukraine war to broker a peace deal between the two countries, and shortly after she left, the Russians invaded Ukraine, and now we are on the verge of World War 3. Her fingerprints are all over two of the cataclysmic failures of the Biden administration. Four years ago, voters of her own party chose 14 other candidates over her. It was almost unanimous that the Democrat voters did not want her. But for the next three months, we will be told how great of a person she is, how electable she is, how popular she is, how smart she is, how accomplished she is. Everything is a lie – everything.
She is completely ill-equipped for the job as President. She does not have the intellect for the job. She speaks like a high school sophomore writing her first 5,000-word essay. She doesn’t care what she says just as long as she says a lot of words. She has infamously strung together word salads like,
“So, I think it’s very important, as you have heard from so many incredible leaders, for us at every moment in time — and certainly this one — to see the moment in time in which we exist and are present, and to be able to contextualize it, to understand where we exist in the history and in the moment as it relates not only to the past but the future.”
“Culture is — it is a reflection of our moment in our time, right? And in present culture is the way we express how we’re feeling about the moment.”
The sad part is that she keeps speaking like this. She does not the self-awareness and the intellectual capability to learn from her mistakes and make the appropriate changes. She actually thinks she is speaking articulately and intellectually when she talks like this because she keeps doing it.
Jesus tells us: “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.” Harris failed miserably at the one job she was given, so she cannot be trusted with a bigger job, she cannot be trusted with the biggest job of them all, the Presidency. But she is not going to be President even if she wins the election. The same people(person) who is the acting President with Biden will be the acting President with Harris. The same people(person) who selected Harris as the nominee will be calling the shots. She wasn’t selected because she is good or smart or a great leader, she was selected for the same reason Biden was selected, she can be controlled. She won’t try to run the country because she does not have the mental capabilities to run the country. This is why they hate Donald Trump so much. The American oligarchy which is bankrolling Harris and calling the shots for Biden cannot control Trump. And that right there is the crux of our fight to save our democracy. Do we want a President elected by the people running our country or a President selected by the entrenched oligarchy? That is the choice.
Mr. Garrett is a graduate of Princeton University, and a former NFL player, coach, and executive. He has been a contributor to the website Real Clear Politics. He has recently published his first novel, No Wind.