I saw a guy and a girl standing 4 feet apart the other day. I told them, “get a room.”
I went to the mall yesterday. There are more people there now than there were before the quarantine.
I changed my Face ID on my phone to me wearing a mask.
I was stuck in traffic on 635 the other day. You never appreciate the benefits of a quarantine when you have one.
I remember a time not too long ago when it was commonplace to see four people eating together at a restaurant their eyes perpetually locked on their phones, texting, twittering, facebooking, barely saying a word to each other, now we act like we were all Clark W Griswald.
If autocorrect is any indication of how well artificial intelligence is going, computers won’t be running the world for another thousand years.
When we hear the first four bars of Sweet Home Alabama, are we mandated by law to say, “turn it up”?