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Writer's picture: JG .JG .

In the 1993 movie, Dave, Kevin Klein plays Dave Kovic, a man who bears a remarkable resemblance to the President in the movie, Bill Mitchell. Dave capitalizes on his appearance by comically impersonating the President at local events and regional TV ads. The Secret Service notices how much Dave resembles the President and recruits him to impersonate the President after a speech one night, as a security precaution. While Dave has taken the President’s place, the real President suffers a stroke and falls into a persistent coma. Not wanting to turn the reins of power over to the Vice President, the Chief of Staff, Bob Alexander, decides to ask Dave to continue to pretend to be the President while the real President remains comatose. The Chief of Staff tells Dave what to say, what to stand for, and what legislation to sign. Dave becomes the figurehead while Bob Alexander actually runs the country. This is exactly what has been happening in the United States of America for the last three and a half years. Joe Biden is the dimwitted clueless figurehead while a power broker behind the scenes – Barack Obama – has been running the country.


The debate on Thursday night clearly exposed that Joe Biden is cognitively incapable of being the President of the United States. Biden should not be the President. He never should have been the President. Biden was selected specifically because of his lack of mental acuity. Obama, who is actually calling the shots behind the scenes, needed to have somebody who was that out of it, that unaware, in order to control him and be able to be the de facto President. The scary part is that the entire world, our allies and enemies alike – finally know the extreme mental weaknesses of our President.


For all the fearmongering from the left that the Republicans are a threat to democracy, everything that has been done to make Joe Biden President has been a destruction of our democratic process. If the American people were accurately informed, and not gaslit and censored on a daily basis, Biden would never have come close to the Oval office. What shocks me is the shock that many liberal pundits and Democrat voters are expressing in the wake of the Biden’s debate debacle. Biden’s performance should not have been a surprise to anyone. People paying attention didn’t need a debate to know how cognitively compromised Joe Biden is, that has been on full display for the last four plus years. But the people in the media, who are charged to expose a ruse like this, have been rigorously lying to perpetuate the ruse.


In 2023, Atlantic editor Jeffrey Goldberg said this about Biden: “Mentally, he’s quite acute.” CNN White House correspondent John Harwood insisted that “the gears of his [Biden’s] mind are working.” Washington Post associate editor Eugene Robinson assessed that Biden was “sharp as a tack”.  Biden’s debate performance was not merely a referendum on Joe Biden’s competency for being President, it was also a referendum on every media outlet who has been telling the American people that Joe Biden is actually competent, aware and in charge.


Joe Biden was gift wrapped to the American people by the lying media and government censorship. Anyone not living in a Democrat echo chamber knew that Joe was in cognitive decline. We have been saying it since 2020. Why do you think they hid him in the basement for 6 months during the last Presidential race. And what was on display on that CNN stage on Thursday is the end result of the media war on democracy. Anybody in the media who has told you that Joe Biden was sharp and aware, should never be trusted again because they are either incompetent or corrupt.  We all knew Biden would be a disaster in the debate, he has been a disaster as President. The question was if the mainstream media would actually admit to their viewers that he was a disaster because they continue to defend his disastrous Presidency. 


How did his candidacy in this year’s election get so far when he is clearly not capable of doing the job? Not only has he been protected by the media, but social media companies, at the behest of the Democrats and the Biden administration, have been censoring their platforms and removing content negative about Biden. But why haven’t the Democrat power brokers forced Biden to step aside before Biden’s incompetency was exposed? Donald Trump winning this election is not a done deal. Trump is a flawed candidate who many independents will vote against, so why wouldn’t the Democrats put someone to run against Trump that people would also want to vote for? Two words – Barack Obama.


Obama refuses to release his strangle hold of power and he needs to have a weak-minded President like Joe that he can control, so he can continue to be the shadow-President.  Obama would not be able to control a legitimate politician, the way he clearly controls Biden. Somebody who wins the Presidency, who still has their mental cognition intact, would actually want to run the country, and make decisions as the President. No one else would be content with being Barack Obama’s stooge the way Joe Biden, so willingly accepted that role, and that is why, up until now, the Democrats have not wanted to run Biden out the door. It all comes back to Obama, the most dangerous and destructive national political figure that our country has ever seen.


Now that this ruse has been exposed, the Democrats, ideally would want to force Biden to step aside at the convention, and either nominate Gavin Newsom, or have Michelle Obama descend from heaven, and be handed the nomination in front of the entire country, and the swooning media. And either would most likely win the election without ever really having to campaign because there would never be a negative story written about them and there will be about 10-15 million illegal ballots cast for them in this year’s election like there was in 2020.

But how do they replace Biden and still save face? They have been telling us for the last three and a half years, that Joe Biden was not only competent and capable, but he has been one of the best Presidents in the history of our country, and now they want to force him out because he is mentally incompetent. They are already employing their face-saving intellectual contortions. New York Times columnist, Paul Krugman, penned an article after the debate, entitled, “The Best President of My Adult Life Needs to Withdraw.” And that is exactly where you end up when your life has been committed to purveying propaganda and not pursuing the truth. You are forced to make self-contradictory statements like Krugman was forced to do.

At this point, Biden may not be allowed to drop out of the race. In some states, Wisconsin, Nevada and Georgia, legally, it may be too late for Biden to withdraw and be replaced on the Democratic ticket. But who knows, in 2020, many states made big exceptions to their election laws due to the Covid emergency, so they may completely ignore their own laws in 2024 if another emergency arises. If Biden steps aside, the Democrats are not going to let Trump run uncontested in those states, or only against fringe candidates like RFK Jr and Cornel West, so, they may need to create an emergency to circumvent those states’ election laws.


I would not be surprised if the Democrats chose to end the Joe Biden Presidential charade in a similar way as the movie, Dave, ended. At the end of the movie, Dave gives a speech before a joint session of Congress, and as he steps down from the podium, he fakes stroke in front of the entire country, so he can switch places with President who remains in a coma and allow the Vice President to step in and take over. So, it would not be unexpected or surprising, if Joe Biden suddenly had some sort of major medical issue in the next few weeks which would prevent him from continuing his run for re-election, opening the door for an unvetted Newsom or Michelle Obama to step in his place.


Donald Trump and the Republicans are not a threat to democracy, the lying media and the corrupt politicians in the D.C. swamp are. If the media actually pursued the truth and believed in giving the people the truth, instead of carrying the water for the corrupt politicians, a Joe Biden presidency would never have happened, a Donald Trump presidency may never have happened, a Barack Obama presidency may never have happened, a Bush and Clinton presidency may never have happened, and maybe we would have had true Presidential leadership over the last 20 to 30 years, instead of the lies and corruption we are continually fed by the media and our most powerful politicians.




Mr. Garrett is a graduate of Princeton University, and a former NFL player, coach, and executive. He has been a contributor to the website Real Clear Politics. He has recently published his first novel, No Wind.


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7 comentários

Adler Pfingsten
Adler Pfingsten
18 de ago. de 2024

“It all comes back to Obama, the most dangerous and destructive national political figure that our country has ever seen”


If you have a gut instinct Obama is evil you are vastly underestimating just how evil. Do a search for Adler von Pfingsten ‘Pamphlets’ and read Pamphlet No.1 Obama Preempted where you will find God’s warning; Obama is evil incarnate on par with Adolf Hitler.


Sam Dehne
Sam Dehne
30 de jun. de 2024


Old Joe has looked pretty strong since the debate. So maybe he's just a victim of stage fright...

like 95% of rest of Americans. 1. I pray as hard as I can that he makes it to the final gate. 2. And second to that.. that Michael Obama does not replace him (with Barack as his vice president).


Sam Dehne
Sam Dehne
30 de jun. de 2024



Just hearing any words saying Barack Obama's husband might be president

leaves me shivering in disgust. And rage.



Sam Dehne
Sam Dehne
30 de jun. de 2024

JG wrote:

".. Biden’s debate performance was not merely a referendum on Joe Biden’s competency for being President, it was also a referendum on every media outlet.. "

["referendum": a general vote by the electorate on a single political question]

The anti-Trump treacherous "fake media" (CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, etc) failed and lost this vote (and myriad other votes historically) massively!

There is very little about America that can't be healed with an honest Patriotic media..

instead of the commie media we have.

AND America needs to be led by Donald Trump as President!!!!

Sam DNA Dehne


TRUTHFUL Newsmax and FOX are what the fake media should be wishing they could be like. And like JG's "Objectivity"!


Jack Hiller
Jack Hiller
30 de jun. de 2024

JG, Thanks for an excellent analysis. I propose a slightly different take on the nature of the debate that exposed Brandon as feebleminded.

The debate was unusually scheduled very early, before the DemoRat Convention. This was precisely done to expose feeble Joe, so there would be a well established reason for the Convention to replace him. The problem with Brandon stepping aside is that Harris is in line to ascend to the Presidency and run herself in place of Joe. No one in the Dem Party want Harris to run, as she is even worse than Joe accoring to public poling. And Barack want to remain in power, withy Michelle as his surrogate. Obam can correctly argue that removing "Black"…


Judd Garrett is a former NFL player, coach and executive. He is a frequent contributer to the website Real Clear Politics, and has recently published his first novel, No Wind

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