After the assassination attempt of former President Donald Trump this past Saturday, there has been many calls from people on both sides of the political aisle, to “unite”. President Trump, Melania Trump, President Biden have all called for unity. And that may sound good, that may sound nice after such a horrific incident like the one we witnessed on Saturday, but my question to conservatives is, unite with what? Do we really want to unite with the extreme leftists who have taken over the Democrat Party? Is that who we are supposed to unite with? That’s exactly what the leftist wants us to do, unite with them. The devil always wants people to cut deals with him, to compromise with him, to make peace with him, so he can continually do what he has been doing, destroying all the goodness in the world, and bringing evil into the world.
Are we supposed to unite with the party that wants to protect the killing 800,000 babies every year? Are we supposed to make compromises with the party that has been flooding our country with 10 million illegal immigrants who have been raping and murdering American citizens on the daily basis? Are we supposed to become friends with the party that is willfully allowing a record amount of deadly drugs into our country, which is killing over 100,000 Americans every year? Are we supposed to make nice with the party that wants to stuff our children with cross gender hormones and cut off their genitalia, who wants elementary schools to sexually groom our children and bring drag queens in the second-grade classrooms? Is that the party we’re supposed to unite with? That’s the party we must categorically reject on a daily basis. Those are the beliefs and policies that we must fight to never be implemented into our country.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not advocating for assassination attempts or political violence in any way, shape or form. The Democrats are the party of political violence. We saw that for six straight months in 2020. The politicians on the left advocated for and endorsed the violence that we saw on our TV screens night after night from June through December of 2020. Uniting with the left would be like uniting with the enemy. Even though the left is our enemy, we are taught to love our enemies. So, we must love them, but we should never unite with them. We should never hold hands and sing ‘Kumbaya’ with these people who spew the evil that comes from the mouths of Democrats and left us on a regular basis. Never, they are so wrong. Their vision for our country will bring about the end of our country. There’s no uniting with them. There’s no making nice with them. That should never be an option.
We will not win this battle with political violence or with an assassin’s bullet, it can only be won on an intellectual, academic and moral level where violence has no place. The left wants to bring us to that place of violence. We saw that in 2020 and we hear that with their violent rhetoric. They need to use violence because they lose in the arena of ideas, but we cannot be led to that emotion. When our fear and our anger is getting the best of us, it is then that we must speak more forcefully, we must express ourselves more clearly. We will win this battle by changing the hearts and minds of the lost souls who happen to ascribe to their treacherous political ideology. And that is why the left is so intent on silencing conservatives because they know that if conservatives were given an equal platform and heard by mainstream America, that would be the end of the left’s evil and destructive ideology. That is why on a daily basis, they are devising new ways to silence conservative voices, not because those voices are threat to America, but because those voices are threat to their destructive plans for America.
Joe Biden called for unity. Donald Trump called for unity. We should only unite with the other side if the other side truly wants what is best for our country. But they don’t. They hate our country. The left despises America. They burn the American flag; they disrespect our national anthem. They have torn down statues of Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt. They call America systemically racist. They hate the Constitution. They want to replace native Americans with foreigners. They want to replace our Constitutional Republic and our free-market capitalist system with their socialism and communism. The great replacement theory is not only about replacing citizens with non-citizens, it’s about replacing our entire country’s political and economic systems. It is about “fundamentally transforming America”.
And that “fundamental transformation” is what we must fight against, but only with our minds and our ideas, because their ideas do not stand a chance against ours. Instead of uniting with the left, we must clearly distinguish ourselves from the left. As Ronald Reagan said 48 years ago at the Republican Convention, “I believe the Republican Party has a platform that is a banner of bold, unmistakable colors with no pale pastels. We have just heard a call to arms based on that platform. And a call to arms to really be successful in communicating and reveal to the American people the difference between this platform and the platform of the opposing party.” Uniting with the left would be like painting in “pale pastels”. We must distinguish ourselves from them with “bold, unmistakable colors.”
Mr. Garrett is a graduate of Princeton University, and a former NFL player, coach, and executive. He has been a contributor to the website Real Clear Politics. He has recently published his first novel, No Wind.
Bingo: "but my question to conservatives is, unite with what? Do we really want to unite with the extreme leftists who have taken over the Democrat Party? " We, who are not DemoRats, are already united in spirit with our fellow citizens.
We cannot in any manner manage to unite with evil, and that is what Brandon and his DemoRat Party have become.
The bullet that grazed Trump's face miraculously missed killing him-- do we need to learn any more to support Trump? I think not!
And what if the next shot at Trump is successful? At what point do you shoot back?