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If You Can Keep It

As the story goes, September 18, 1787, after the delegates from each state, signed and ratified the United States Constitution, a lady asked Benjamin Franklin outside of Freedom Hall in Philadelphia, “Well Doctor what have we got – a republic or a monarchy?” Franklin looked at her and replied, “a republic, if you can keep it.” Mark this date, on May 30, 2024, the United States of America is no longer a republic. It lasted 234 years. It was an amazing run, but it is over. The leading Presidential candidate, Donald Trump was found guilty on all 34 charges in a trial where the prosecution could not even pin point what the crime actually was. Alvin Bragg threw a bunch of shit against the wall, and the judge told the jury to figure out what sticks, and they said, everything. Was a day and a half enough time to adequately deliberate all 34 charges? Of course not. That doesn't matter.


But we knew Trump was going to be found guilty all along, not because the evidence proved guilt, but because all the players involved – the prosecutor, the judge and the jury – pointed to the verdict of guilty. Alvin Bragg could have stood before the court and said, “blah-blah-blah-blah-blah” for 5 straight days, and Trump would have been found guilty. We all knew that this trial was a sham from day one.


Why was Trump gagged during the trial, but the jury was never sequestered? A gag order is put in place to prevent the participants in the trial from influencing the jury through the media. If the judge was so worried that the jury would be influenced that he had to gag Trump, the jury should have been sequestered over the holiday weekend. They weren’t because the judge wanted the jury to be influenced by the left-wing media. Why were Stormy Daniels and Michael Cohen free to say whatever they wanted on the stand, but the witness for the defense, Bob Costello, was shut down time and again? The judicial system should work the exact opposite, the constraints have always been placed on the prosecution and not the defense.


Donald Trump was convicted of 34 charges because he paid $130,000 to a porn star for an NDA about an affair when he was private citizen. The prosecutors claim that it was a Trump campaign expense to help him influence the 2016 election. But in 2020, the Biden campaign and the Democrat party got 50 current and former Intelligence officers to lie and sign a letter falsely claiming that the Hunter Biden laptop – the laptop which had on its hard drive, evidence of Vice President Joe Biden’s long history of corruption, influence pedaling and taking bribes – was Russian disinformation. Who gets indicted for that? Who goes to jail for those lies and election interference? Certainly not one of the Intelligence officers who used their official position to sell a lie to the American people to influence the 2020 election in Joe Biden’s favor. The DOJ is working for the Biden re-election campaign.


A country loses its republic when the innocent go to jail and the guilty go free. We no longer have a country. These trials of Trump are not solely designed to keep Trump from the White House or to merely keep Joe Biden in the White House; these trials are designed to do exactly what they are doing – destroy our country. They are meant to destroy one of our country’s fundamental institutions – our judicial system. The people behind this – Barack Obama and George Soros – know they have succeeded not solely when Donald Trump gets convicted, but also when political pundits make the obvious observation that we have lost the country. When they hear that, that is when they smile the biggest because that is their end game. Obama, Soros and the like, do not want a republic; they do not even want a democracy; they want a Marxist totalitarian system, and in order to get that, they must destroy the existing republic. And to do so, they must attack all of the republic’s institutions, first and foremost – its judicial system.


Why do you think Obama ordered the borders to be flung wide open? 8 million illegal foreign nationals have walked across our southern border in 3 and a half years, and our federal government refuses to enforce our immigration laws. They are bringing crime with them. In March, a previously deported illegal alien murdered 25-year-old Ruby Garcia execution-style in Grand Rapids, Michigan. An illegal immigrant from Mexico, a fugitive wanted for murder was recently apprehended in Texas. In February, Georgia college student, Laken Riley, was murdered by Jose Antonio Ibarra, a Venezuelan illegal immigrant. In January, 7 illegal immigrants brutally beat up two New York police officers in Times Square. Mass illegal immigration brings the crime that infests and decays our cities which then destroy the country.


Democrat run cities are no longer enforcing violent crime and theft anymore. Carjacking is at an all-time high. Last week, a Mississippi family was traumatized after carjackers opened fire at them while stealing their car while their children were still inside. Saturday morning in Los Angeles, actor Johnny Wactor, 37, was shot and killed during an attempted robbery of his parked car. Senseless, violent crimes, continually repeating and the police are being told to stand down and not enforce our laws. This is why carjackings have spiked. Car catalytic converter thefts have risen 900% from 2019 to 2024 because the police are told not to enforce those crimes anymore.

Squatters from foreign countries are taking over American citizen’s homes at alarming rates, and nothing is being done about it. TikTok videos from Leonel Moreno, an illegal immigrant from Venezuela, encourages illegal immigrants to “invade” unoccupied homes in the United States. He said, “I didn’t cross the Rio Grande to work like a slave. I came to the U.S. to mark my territory.” Why is no one doing anything about this? Squatters taking over people’s home and being allowed to stay, is a direct assault on one of the founding principles of the United States – property rights. Obama and Soros want to destroy our property rights because that is always one of the first rights that the totalitarians go after.

Why do you think Biden and the left have driven up inflation to unsustainable levels? A strong currency is another foundational principle of a strong republic. They want to destroy our currency by devaluing the dollar which will help destroy our country. A recent survey of 2,000 American adults and found 78 percent now consider fast food a luxury. We live in a country where the vast majority of its citizens believes going to McDonalds is a luxury. Fed President Neel Kashkari claims that the immigration surge is keeping inflation and interest rates sky-high. And it all works hand-in-hand.

The Biden administration released an Afghan illegal immigrant, Mohammad Kharwin, who was on the terror watchlist two times and gave him a date for an asylum hearing. He was caught at the border in 2023 and released, then arrested later in 2024 and freed again. He was released the second time because ICE prosecutors withheld evidence of Karwin's ties to terrorism. We are now letting known illegal foreign national terrorists free into our country. 2-3 times per week, across the country, U.S. Navy's base security personnel are catching and evicting foreign nationals – particularly Chinese citizens – who are attempting to glean national security secrets from our Naval bases. Meanwhile, the Department of Justice is having the FBI track an organization called, Moms for Liberty, whose mission is to prevent pornographic material being placed in elementary school libraries. So, the Afghan terrorist and the Chinese spies are okay, but the mother who doesn’t want her 7-year-old exposed to explicit gay sex is a danger to the country.

Everything that they are doing has the ancillary effect of destroying the foundation of the country whether it's corrupting the judicial system, decriminalizing violent crime, opening the borders, devaluing the currency, rigging elections, eliminating our property rights. Each one chips away at the foundation of the country until one day, the country implodes. And we are left with a faint memory of what America was once and could still be. And all of this is happening right before our eyes because we are all to weak or scared to stand up against it.



J Garrett is a graduate of Princeton University. He has been a contributor to the website Real Clear Politics. He has recently published his first novel, No Wind.

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Adler Pfingsten
Adler Pfingsten

"[Is] rapid population [growth] by as great importations of foreigners as possible... founded in good policy?... They will bring with them the principles of the governments they leave, imbibed in their early youth; or, if able to throw them off, it will be in exchange for an unbounded licentiousness, passing, as is usual, from one extreme to another. It would be a miracle were they to stop precisely at the point of temperate liberty. These principles, with their language, they will transmit to their children. In proportion to their number, they will share with us the legislation. They will infuse into it their spirit, warp and bias its direction, and render it a heterogeneous, incoherent, distracted mass... If they come…


Sam Dehne
Sam Dehne


Trump should have at least 1,000 Patriotic warriors guarding

him everywhere he goes.

Morning noon and night. PROTECTED UBIQUITOUSLY!

Fighter jets flying formation with his Boeing TRUMP jet.




Sam Dehne
Sam Dehne


A poignant point that nobody seems to be bringing up is the issue of

how Trump's body (mental and physical) can continue to be abused

by these ubiquitous never-ending atrocities against him by the commie govt.

It has to be taking its toll. And that is not even counting the dire potential

of Trump being "suicided" if/when he gets sent to prison.

[or "suicided" otherwise]

Just saying and worrying intensely...

Trump is up there with America's all-time hero Warriors.

Sam DNA Dehne


Jack Hiller
Jack Hiller

Writing as a lawyer, the worst flaw in the trial was the judge permitting repeated references to vciolation of election law, keying to a conviction of Cohen as Trump's conspiritor, and then denying the defense to have an election law expert explain that there were no violations of law; that money paid to stop inflamatory public charges is lawful. There is no findings by the jury of any specific unlawful actions by Trump, because of muddied jury instructions. If the conviction is not overturned be appellate review at the state or federal levels, it will surely be nulled by the SCt.

Our job is to elect Trump in Nov, and reject all Democrat Party candidates for any office.



Your last sentence is the most important. Fear and weakness were never before an American trait. In a scant 20 years they have become our culture. When the French government went too far the citizens put on yellow vests and shut the country down. Now tell me 30 million Americans couldn't bring this government to heel with their cars clogging everything important for a week or two. But we don't even have the balls for civil disobedience. This game probably is over finally.

Adler Pfingsten
Adler Pfingsten

“Courage is indispensible because in politics not life but the world is at stake.”                   Hannah Arendt


Judd Garrett is a former NFL player, coach and executive. He is a frequent contributer to the website Real Clear Politics, and has recently published his first novel, No Wind

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