On Monday, during his interview with former President Donald Trump, self-described moderate Democrat, and billionaire, Elon Musk told Trump that “We’re at a fork in the road of destiny of civilization, and I think we need to take the right path, and I think you’re the right path.” It must have been difficult for a former Obama voter to make the admission that Donald Trump is the right person for the job as President of the United States. But in the same regard, it must have been difficult for almost everyone of Trump’s supporters to come to the same conclusion as Musk. Most of Trump’s supporters do not love Donald Trump – the man. They do not like his demeanor, his brashness, his braggadocious manner. They don’t agree with his lifestyle and decisions he has made in his personal life. But they love Donald Trump for what we all saw last month in Butler, Pennsylvania and for what we have witnessed since the day he threw his hat in the ring for President. The people who love Donald Trump love him for two reasons – his unabashed love for America and his willingness to fight and protect the country he loves. They too love America, and they love Donald Trump’s willingness to lose everything that he has to save America – he is willing to lose his great fortune; he was willing to go to jail; he is willing to lay down his life for his country.
The ferocity and the volume of attacks that have been launched at Trump would have caused most other politicians to quit, to give up, to wave the white flag, but Trump refuses. He refused to quit when they called him the vilest names they could think of; he refused to quit when they launched fraudulent investigations at him over and over again; he refused to quit when they tried to send him to jail for the rest of his life; and he refused to quit after they tried to kill him. He refuses to quit because he knows the moment he quits; they win and that would mean the end of the country that he and we love so dearly. So, he continues to fight when lesser men would have already thrown in the towel.
Their attacks on Trump never seem to bother him, never faze him. Trump advisor, Peter Navarro, who spent four months in prison as part of the Democrat-led lawfare against conservatives, said at the RNC, “They did not break me, and they will never break Donald Trump... If they can come for me—and if they can come for Donald Trump—be careful, they will come for you.” That is what Donald Trump is fighting so hard to protect, a country where you can disagree with the government and the establishment, and not be censored or thrown in jail. The country that George Washington and Thomas Jefferson fought so hard to create. No other politician has ever been attacked at the magnitude as Donald Trump, and each attack makes him stronger. He is the living embodiment of, “whatever doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger.” And that is what America is all about.
Donald Trump embodies the greatness of America. His unwillingness to give in, his unwillingness to quit the fight, his unwillingness to lose, is what America is; it is what America was founded on. The odds were gravely against the revolutionaries in 1776, but they fought anyway. Think about Bunker Hill and Valley Forge, no retreat, no surrender. That’s what Donald Trump is all about. That’s why they love Donald Trump. If Donald Trump were at Valley Forge, he would be impaling redcoats right through the heart with his bayonet while Joe Biden would be cutting a sweetheart deal for his son with Cornwallis, and Obama would be conspiring with Benedict Arnold.
Trump’s popularity is not due to the fact that he is racist or sexist or homophobic, which he’s not. It has everything to do with Trump’s love for our country and desire to protect it from the disastrous policies of the left. Let’s be clear, the left’s support of minorities and women and those in the LGBTQ community has nothing to do with their desire to help people who may be disaffected, it has everything to do with their desire to destroy the country. Fueling racial animus, promoting division between men and women, pushing the radical agenda of the LGBTQ activists, are all designed to destroy the country. They know that fostering those divisions between race and gender and lifestyle tear the social fabric of the country which is their goal.
Trump and his supporters understand who the real threat to our country is, and that Trump is one of the few politicians who is willing to take that threat head on. He’s willing to take on the left, he’s willing to take on the Democrats, he’s willing to take on the swamp. He’s willing to take on every person who is trying to destroy this country. And that is not hyperbole or projection. That is based in fact. Opening our borders and allowing 10 million illegal immigrants just to walk into our country unvetted is a grave threat to the stability and sovereignty of our country. Running up a $35 trillion national debt and carrying an almost $2 trillion yearly deficit is a serious threat to our country. We know the plan. Tear down the country with open borders, with uncontrollable debt, with crime infested cities, by flooding our country with deadly addictive drugs, and by creating social division within the society. Destabilize the country to the point that they can usher in their socialism and communism. And the only person standing in the way of that nightmare is Donald Trump. And he’s willing to fight them every step of the way.
There is a great scene in the movie, Darkest Hour, which is about Winston Churchill in the week leading up to England’s entrance into World War II. On June 4, 1940, instead of taking his limousine to the House of Commons to address the nation on their course of action against the aggression of Germany, Churchill choose to ride the underground and asked the people in the train car with him, should he cut a peace deal with Hitler or should Great Brittain go to war with Germany? And to a person, they said Brittain should fight, and that inspired his famous speech in which he said:
“We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in France, We shall fight on the seas and oceans; We shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our Island, whatever the cost may be; We shall fight on the beaches; We shall fight on the landing grounds; We shall fight in the fields and in the streets; We shall fight in the hills; We shall never surrender.”
Citizens want their politicians to fight for their country, whether it is against invading Nazis, invading illegal aliens, a flood fentanyl, out of control crime, unsustainable debt, attacks on our social fabric. We are fighting for the survival of our country against a party and an ideology which is trying to destroy it. And that is what Trump means to his supporters. They know he will fight for our country until the bitter end. That’s all we want. We don’t care about fancy speeches or politically correct tweets. Those are for losers.
They say, in a fight, the one who’s willing to die for the cause, is the one who usually wins. Donald Trump has shown that he is willing to lay down his life for America, and if Trump wins, America wins.
Mr. Garrett is a graduate of Princeton University, and a former NFL player, coach, and executive. He has been a contributor to the website Real Clear Politics. He has recently published his first novel, No Wind.
JG, 8/18/24
Or maybe the Honor Medal brouhaha will get
blown over by this week-long dems never-ending
commie corruption in Chicago ... and thereafter.
Sam DNA Dehne
Slight semi-non sequitur
JG, You are a great analyzer and soothsayer, so:
How can Trump possibly overcome his comment that Presidential Medal of Honor is as
important as the Military Medal of Honor? I am almost always on his side. But I am afraid he is only likely to eat nasty grief for making this comparison to an audience at Rally on 8/17/24 about giving the Medal to civilian Ms Adelson when he was president?
There is no doubt in my mind that Trump respects al military, and Medal of Honor, as much as the most honorable of citizens.
But I am at a loss to figure a tactic to take yo mitigate this obvious misspeak.
Maybe something like this?
Judd, you have been on fire of late…bravo.
The dollar is becoming so devalued that i decided to invest in heavy metals. I couldn't really afford gold or silver. Maybe lead will turn out to be just as useful