Tonight, CNN will air the first interview that Democrat Presidential nominee Kamala Harris has done since being selected to be the Democrat nominee. She will be accompanied by her running mate and emotional support animal, Tim Walz. The interview is not live. It will be taped, and most definitely edited to remove all cackles. So, why in the world would I watch that? Why would anyone? What is there to gain? We know that she will know every question that she’s going to be asked ahead of time – either CNN has given the questions to the Harris campaign, or the Harris campaign gave the questions to CNN. It’s not like that is unprecedented for that network. In 2016, Donna Brazile, working for CNN, gave Hillary Clinton the questions before her debate with Bernie Sanders.
CNN has no qualms about meddling in Presidential races, either. It was one of the loudest news networks trying to debunk the Hunter Biden laptop story in 2020 and push the fake Russian collusion conspiracy. They are water carriers for the Democrat Party. They are going to protect the Democrat party and the current administration, at all costs which means they’re doing the exact opposite of their job. No self-respecting journalist would ever operate this way. They should attack Kamala Harris in the exact same way that they attack Donald Trump.
I see absolutely nothing wrong with the way the media relentlessly goes after Trump. That is their job. They are supposed to call out our leaders to hold them accountable, to expose their hypocrisy, to question their judgment. That’s what they’re supposed to do. My issue is, they attack Donald Trump on every level all the time, and never ask one hard question to the Democrat nominee, ever. Was Joe Biden ever asked a difficult question? Absolutely not. Will Kamala Harris be asked a difficult question? Most likely not. And if she is asked a difficult question tonight, you can bet that she knew the question was coming, and all of her handlers and speech writers have already prepared an answer for her.
This, like everything in American politics, is a dog and pony show. In the interview tonight, nothing that Kamala Harris will say that she will do if she’s elected, she will do as President. In fact, if you want to know what Kamala Harris will do as President, it will be the exact opposite of everything that she will say that she’s going to do, aside from her stance on abortion. Everything else, from closing the border, to being tough on crime, to controlling spending, to supporting the oil and gas industry, to being strong in foreign relations, she is going to sound like Donald Trump. But if she’s elected President, she will govern the exact opposite of Donald Trump. And this begs the question, if these positions on these issues are what she must stand for on the campaign trail in order to get elected, then why doesn’t she do the will of the American people and govern the way she is campaigning? This is the reason why the Democrat party is so sinister. They believe that they know how to govern better than the will of the people.
The lies that Kamala Harris is going to tell in the interview tonight is the reason why I believe that the Democrat Party cheated in the previous election and will cheat again in this election. They don’t care about the will of the people. They don’t care about what the American people want. The voters mean nothing to them. All they care about is power because they believe they know what’s better for us than we do. They believe that they know how to spend our money better than we do. That’s why they have no problem going against the will of the people. They’ve already done it in the Democrat primary. The will of the Democrat electorate was for Joe Biden to be the nominee, so they threw that election out the window and inserted Kamala Harris.
Unless you’ve been living in a cave for the last eight years, you should know who you’re voting for. These little interviews and events and even the debates mean absolutely nothing. We are continually told that our country is more divided than it’s ever been. That division is almost exclusively a political division. There are no nuances in the positions of the two candidates that need to be fleshed out in order to cast an informed vote. Kamala Harris wants to pretend that there are nuances between her and Donald Trump because Trump’s policies are overwhelmingly more popular than hers.
When the Biden Harris administration took over, their goal was to undo every policy that Donald Trump had implemented from the border, to energy, to crime, to foreign policy. They undid all of it, which means they rejected all of it, which means there is no nuance between the two candidates… none. If you want open borders and 2 million illegal immigrants into our country every year, vote for Kamala Harris; if you want a secure border, vote for Donald Trump. If you want out of control spending and hyper-inflation, vote for Kamala Harris; if you want low inflation, vote for Donald Trump. If you want to ban fracking, eliminate the oil and gas industry, and have high energy prices, vote for Kamala Harris; if you want energy independence and low gas prices, vote for Donald Trump. If you want to sell out to our enemies like China, vote for Kamala Harris; if you want a President to stand up to China, vote for Donald Trump. If you want endless foreign wars, vote for Kamala Harris, if you want peace in the world, vote for Donald Trump.
We have seen what Kamala Harris will do for the last 3 ½ years, and we saw what Donald Trump will do for the four years he was President. None of that is going to change from a one-hour interview with a cable news network that carries water for the Harris campaign. Why would anybody in the world fall for this. I don’t care what she says. This is a campaign event. She will reveal nothing of what she will do if she’s elected President. Record this interview, and then play it back after she’s been President for two years, you will see that everything that she said in this interview tonight is an out and out lie. The only thing that she will say she will stand up for that she will actually do as President is abortion, only because she believes that is a winning issue for her. That’s it. Don’t fall for any of it.
Jesus said, “beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits.” (Matt 7:15-16) Meaning, we will know them by what they do, and not by what they say. We know very clearly what Kamala Harris will do because we have seen what she has done. Nick Saban used to say, “the best way to predict future behavior, is to look at past behavior.” We’ve seen Kamala Harris’s past behavior. Everything that we experienced for the first three years of the Biden-Harris administration, we’re going to experience again for the first three years of a Harris-Walz administration. Is that what you want? This interview is irrelevant. It means absolutely nothing. If you don’t know who or what you are voting for by now, you have not been paying attention and do not understand the true nature of American politics.
Mr. Garrett is a graduate of Princeton University, and a former NFL player, coach, and executive. He has been a contributor to the website Real Clear Politics. He has recently published his first novel, No Wind.
Thank you. Again.
And again.
And again.
Sam DNA Dehne