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The Lion

Writer's picture: JG .JG .

Updated: 6 days ago

In the 2002 movie, Poolhall Junkies, actor Christopher Walken gives one of his most famous and iconic speeches of his career. He tells one of the pool hustlers, “You got this lion. He's the king of the jungle, huge mane out to here. He's lying under a tree, in the middle of Africa. He's so big, it's so hot. He doesn't want to move. Now the little lions come, they start messing with him. Biting his tail, biting his ears. He doesn't do anything. The lioness, she starts messing with him. Coming over, making trouble. Still nothing. Now the other animals, they notice this. They start to move in. The jackals; hyenas. They're barking at him, laughing at him. They nip his toes and eat the food that's in his domain. They do this, then they get closer and closer, bolder and bolder. Till one day, that lion gets up and tears the shit out of everybody. Runs like the wind, eats everything in his path. Cause every once in a while, the lion has to show the jackals, who he is.” (Click on the link – it’s worth watching)


The United States is the lion; China and Russia are the hyenas; Hamas and ISIS are the jackals, and every once in a while, the lion has to show these jackals, who he is. Far too long, whether it was by design (Obama) or incompetence (Biden), the United States has allowed the hyenas and the jackals to run wild, to do whatever they wanted to us with impunity. We were too scared to offend them. Too worried about being viewed as the bad guy. Yesterday, President Donald Trump ordered precision air strikes on the Senior ISIS leaders and terrorists in Somalia who were hiding in caves, threatening the United States and our allies. The strikes killed many of the terrorists without harming civilians. On X, President Trump tweeted to ISIS and any other terrorist groups who are targeting Americans, “WE WILL FIND YOU, AND WE WILL KILL YOU!” Donald Trump is showing the world who America is.


It’s about time that the United States of America acted like the United States of America. We have to show the world that we are the strongest, the most powerful nation on the planet, that we won’t be messed with. We must demand their respect. We have allowed countries who are much smaller than us and weaker than us to push us around. The only way you can command respect is if you respect yourself. That’s the whole point of the Trump Presidency, about making America great again – to regain that respect internally and internationally. And the importance of respect is the reason why the people on the left who want to destroy America continually trash America, continually hyper-focus on every single one of our sins and our misdeeds in the history of our country. Every other country has committed the sin of slavery. There are 20 million slaves in the world today throughout the Middle East, Asia, and Africa. But we are the only country in the world that must tear ourselves down over a sin we exorcised over 160 years ago. Most countries were forged through conquest, but they want America to feel we are an illegitimate country because of our origins. They do not want us to respect ourselves, because then no other country will respect us. And if they don’t respect us, they will be emboldened to do whatever they want to us. We will no longer be the lion.


After the October 7th attack on Israel, the Biden administration tried to convince Benjamin Netanyahu to not strike back and defend his country. He wanted Israel to just allow Islamic terrorists to kill 1,500 Israeli innocent women and children, and capture hundreds more as hostages, without doing anything back. He didn’t want to upset anyone. He didn’t want us to appear Islamophobic. That was the message we were sending out to the world. We won’t hit back. We want peace at all costs. Peace at any price always leads to war. The best way to ensure peace is for the United States to re-establish its power and its respect around the world. That is why Donald Trump is planning on annexing Greenland and taking control of the Panama Canal. China and Russia have been emboldened by the weakness of the Biden administration that they are exerting more and more influence over those two geo-strategic entities which will further hurt our strength and respect around the world, and make the world a more dangerous place.  


Donald Trump just imposed a 25% tariff on goods coming from Mexico and Canada, and critics are outraged, complaining that we are hurting our closest allies. Far too long, these countries have allowed illegal immigrants from hostile nations to come across their border into the United States; they’ve turned a blind eye to the tons of fentanyl coming across their border killing 100,000 of our citizens each year. They do not respect us. If they did, they wouldn’t allow that to happen to us. They are not our friends or allies, if they were, they would not have aided and abetted the invasion of our country of mass illegal aliens and massive amounts of deadly drugs. So, everyone who questions the tariffs because these countries claim to be our friends, remember, they are not our friends. They don’t have the right to claim to be our friends when they have never acted like our friends, when they have systematically tried to destroy our country. That’s not friendship. That’s not even a geo-political ally. They are doing the work of our enemies.


Mexico and Canada are the little lions and the lioness, thinking that they can mess with us because there is a familial relationship. But when countries like China, Russia and Iraq see how Mexico and Canada mess with us, and take advantage of us, that emboldens them. They think they can do the same to us, just as the hyenas and the jackals do to the lion in Africa. For the last four years, we have been seen as weak, and now, because of Donald Trump, we are finally flexing our muscles, we are finally showing the world who the United States of America really is.




Mr. Garrett is a graduate of Princeton University, and a former NFL player, coach, and executive. He has been a contributor to the website Real Clear Politics. He has recently published his first novel, No Wind.

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Jack Hiller
Jack Hiller
6 days ago

Great analysis. He also has some more to do that he has also hinted at. The stupid ME leaders insist on keeping Gaza full of a terrorist born and bred population, which he sees needs to be moved away. We also need to bomb the Hell out of Iran's nuke, missel and oil facilities.


Sam Dehne
Sam Dehne
6 days ago



I have learned very much from al of your Reports.

But this Lion report really hits the factors on the head. I do not know how the logistics of tariffs work. But having Lion Trump using them as one of his weapons gives me solace that I can feel much more confident with out "Lion".

Sam Dehne


You wrote: "We were too scared to offend them. Too worried about being viewed as the bad guy."

I think there is (at least) 1 more reason for these disasters: The Obama clans.. and (especially) the Biden clans.. have been either bribed or threatened [or both] by these enemies.


I had not heard about…


Judd Garrett is a former NFL player, coach and executive. He is a frequent contributer to the website Real Clear Politics, and has recently published his first novel, No Wind

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