Do the Democrats stand for anything anymore? 20–30 years ago, I used to respect the Democrats. Even though I didn’t agree with them very often, I thought they were people of principle, misguided principles, but principles nonetheless, and I respected that. I agreed with their goals for our country, but I disagreed with their solutions and tactics. But this new iteration of Democrats does not stand for anything worthy of respect. They used to be anti-war; they used to be pro-Israel; they used to be anti-racist; they used to be for the workers; they used to be anti-big business; they used to be pro-woman; they used to be for our Constitutional rights; they used to be for the sanctity of human life. All of that has been flipped on its head.
Now, the Democrats are the pro-war party. They are as pro-war as the neo-cons. They create wars, they expand wars, they profit off of wars, but they don’t like to end wars. For over 3 years, they have steadfastly supported Ukraine in its war with Russia giving them hundreds of billions of dollars and weaponry, refusing to pressure Ukraine to engage in any negotiation for a peaceful settlement or at least a ceasefire. Meanwhile, tens of thousands of Ukrainians have been killed in a war that Ukraine has little chance of winning.
The Democrats have also released billions of dollars to Iran that the Iranian Mullahs are funneling to terrorist groups like Hamas to wage a terrorist war against Israel. The Democrats have cut off support to Israel in its war against Hamas, a war that is very winnable for Israel, and they are pushing Israel into a ceasefire agreement with Hamas which would merely set the stage for more deadly terrorists acts against Israel. Recently, some Democrats have even publicly sided with Hamas by blaming the murders of six Israeli hostages by their Hamas captures on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Today’s Democrats are the party of racism. They are the party that judges people based on the color of their skin – that is what Critical Race Theory is and that is what “intersectionality” does. They reject the concept of a color-blind society, and push race-based hiring and race-based admissions into colleges under the guise of DEI – Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. They shame white people merely for the color of their skin by accusing them of “white privilege” and “white fragility” while claiming that all white people are inherently racist. They are now for reparations which punishes white people for the color of their skin and rewards black people for the color of theirs.
The Democrats have completely embraced the trans movement which is gutting the Title IX protections for women at colleges and universities – allowing biological males to not only compete against women but take their scholarships and their spots on the women’s college sports teams. They are even for allowing biological males into women’s spaces like bathrooms, locker rooms, showers, and prisons, and as a result, women have been sexually harassed and assaulted by biological males who have invaded their spaces.
The Democrats claim they are pro-women because they are pro-abortion, arguing that a woman has a right to do whatever she wants with her own body even if what she is doing kills another human being, as what happens in an abortion. But the only control the Democrats want the people to have over their own body is to the right to kill their baby in the womb. They support government mandates of experimental vaccines and other medications which completely negates their justification for abortion, so really, their support for abortion rights is not pro-women and not based on libertarian grounds of bodily autonomy, but they are just for killing as many babies in the womb as possible.
The Democrats used to believe in our Constitution, but now they are for government censorship of speech in the public marketplace which violates the First Amendment. Democrat politicians have been working with social media companies for years to suppress the speech of their political opponents under the guise of stopping the spread of misinformation whose definition is any speech that the Democrats disagree with. The current Democrat administration has even proposed a Ministry of Truth which would determine what a person can and cannot say publicly. They have pressured social media companies to ban their political rivals on their platforms. The Democrats have also engaged in the weaponization of the judicial system by indicting, convicting and in some cases throwing their political opponents into prison.
Now, the Democrats support big business and multinational corporations over the American working class. They have opened our borders and shipped our manufacturing overseas, both of which have decimated the middle class and the union workers. Mass illegal immigration drives down wages, drives up unemployment, increases crime and adds hundreds of billions of dollars to our national debt every year that increases both taxes and inflation which hits the working-class Americans the hardest.
The open borders have allowed millions of foreign nationals into this country illegally, including criminal aliens, foreign gang members, drug smugglers, and cartel members which has resulted in the deaths of American citizens from violent crime and drugs. It doesn’t matter to the Democrats that hundreds of thousands of people are dying every year from drug overdoses; it doesn’t matter that hundreds of thousands of families are destroyed by drugs every year; it doesn’t matter that our communities are being gutted by the drug epidemic.
Venezuela opened up its prisons, allowing the most violent criminals out as long as they made the trek to the United States. Now, there are blood thirsty Venezuelan gangs wielding semi-automatic weapons who have taken over apartment complexes in Colorado and Chicago, and Democrat President Joe Biden, Democrat Vice President Kamala Harris and the Democrat governors of those states have done absolutely nothing to stop this. 75% of the violent crimes that are being committed in New York City are being committed by illegal immigrants, and the police cannot do anything about it because the Democrats have passed sanctuary city laws in New York City which protect the illegal immigrants from prosecution.
The Democrats have become the party of death. That is what they stand for because everyone of their major policy positions brings more death to our country, from mass illegal immigration, to abortion on demand, to the free flow of deadly drugs like fentanyl, to soft on crime policies, to their pro-war advocacy, to siding with terrorist groups like Hamas and their supporters - Iran, It is hard to think of one policy position that the Democrats stand for that does not bring more death and destruction to America.
Mr. Garrett is a graduate of Princeton University, and a former NFL player, coach, and executive. He has been a contributor to the website Real Clear Politics. He has recently published his first novel, No Wind.