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Vanity of vanities! All is vanity.


It’s amazing how much damage is caused when people try to show the world how morally superior they are. In an effort to prove how much they care about their fellow human beings, the Democrats opened our southern border because it is unfair, it is elitist, it is racist for a country to have secure borders. And what was the result of that? Hundreds of thousands of American citizens have died of fentanyl brought into this country through our southern border; hundreds of American citizens have been murdered by illegal immigrants who entered through our southern border; over 30,000 children from other countries have been human trafficked or sex trafficked in the last three and a half years.


It is being reported that the mass of migrants coming to the United States from South America are destroying native populations in places like Panama. The indigenous Embera-Wounaan tribe of 19,000 people have been especially hurt by the packs of migrants caravaning through their communities. General Chief Leonide Cunampia has said, “Mr. President and you candidates, you are finishing us off, and you are killing all the Indians on the Comarca! You have to pay attention to what’s going on in our territory. The immigration is contaminating us!” The chiefs of these tribes have documented a list of ongoing damage caused by these migrants – poisonings of their village water supply, harvest theft, the corrupting access to immigrant currency, and the migrants leading an entire generation of Embera youth into a life of drugs and alcohol.


The migrants have also been hurt by the Democrats’ open borders policy. Tens of thousands of illegal immigrants hoping to enter our country illegally through our southern border have died on their journey to America. Is any of this loving? Is it compassionate? Do the people who have implemented these policies actually care about their fellow human beings? They care only about their ego; they care only about their sense of righteousness; they care only about pretending to be morally superior to everyone else. They are unable care about their fellow man because they are narcissists.


In 2018, trying to show how compassionate she is, Kamala Harris demanded on Twitter, “Enough. It’s time we make college tuition-free once and for all.” On several occasions during his presidency, Joe Biden has tried to cancel the student loans of college graduates, all under the guise of helping their fellow citizens deal with a hardship – staggering student loan debt. It’s a shame that none of these Democrats have a memory. In the 1990s, Bill Clinton tried to prove to everyone how much he cared about young Americans – how much he “felt their pain” – by dramatically expanding the guaranteed student loan program, claiming that private college should be affordable for everyone. And the end result is that college tuition is up over 400% over the last 30 years, and college graduates are entering their working years strapped with over $200,000 of student loan debt that they will spend the next 30 years paying back. So, their attempt to make college affordable for everyone, has made collage unaffordable for almost everyone. Thanks Bill Clinton.


Nancy Pelosi recently stated, "making the American Dream of home ownership available to all people is something we have to do for people who are here now", referring to both American citizens and illegal immigrants. California lawmakers recently passed legislation where the state will give homebuyers up to $30,000 to help them purchase a home, and this program includes foreign nationals here illegally. Once again, they never learn the lesson. Bill Clinton, in the 1990’s, also believed that it was unfair that not everyone who wanted to purchase a home could qualify for a home mortgage, and that everyone had a right to home ownership, so he passed the Community Reinvestment Act, which changed the rules of lending, allowing people who previously could not qualify for a mortgage to get a home loan.


What was the result of that legislation? Minority homeownership rose to an all-time high, and housing prices doubled. Then, when many of those people who previously couldn’t qualify for loans predictably started defaulting on their loans, causing the mortgage foreclosure rate to get as high as 25% when 4% is the highest sustainable rate, the housing market came crashing down bringing the rest of the economy with it, making everybody poorer, especially those who had their loans foreclosed on. It was all a results of people believing that they were doing good for someone else when reality they were harming them. What’s going to happen when the government starts subsidizing home mortgages for illegal immigrants? Home prices will skyrocket, and then the house market will crash, making almost everyone poorer.


Now we have Kamala Harris, who wants to give out everything for free because she is compassionate and caring. That is the sign of a politician who is out of ideas. If their best idea is to give people free stuff, they have no ideas. Giving people free stuff does not improve their lives, does not make them more productive, does not make them more self-sufficient, does not even eliminate their pain and suffering, and does not strengthen our country. In fact, it creates more pain and suffering in the long run. Would a bird want its wings clipped and put in a cage where you house him and fed him, or would the bird want its wings fully intact, so he could fly and get the food and shelter for himself.


Every time you give someone something that they are fully capable of getting themselves, you hurt them, you crippled them. We have people on the left pushing a universal basic income, which will do nothing other than make people more dependent, less self-sufficient, less creative and less hard-working. It doesn’t matter to them what the end result is, they believe that they are morally superior to everyone else because they are giving other people’s money to someone else. It doesn’t matter that the people they tried to help end up in a worse situation. All that matters is their moral superiority. It is all vanity.




Mr. Garrett is a graduate of Princeton University, and a former NFL player, coach, and executive. He has been a contributor to the website Real Clear Politics. He has recently published his first novel, No Wind.

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Sam Dehne
Sam Dehne
Sep 06


Your Reports should be mandatory reading before being allowed to vote!!

Sam DNA Dehne

And they should come with an Advil and Alka Seltzer...


Jack Hiller
Jack Hiller
Sep 02

Consider that all huans (and really all animals), come from stressless, joyful Heaven to experience the education of a material life that requires a struggle just to stay alive, much less prosper. We have come here to strive for spiritual development under the stresses of mortal life. Free handouts to live defeat God's purpose in gifting us with mortal life. If our spirit wanted it easy, then it would have stayed in Heaven.

Charity is spiritually beneficial to those who give when the cost is felt. Charity to those who receive it is temporarily helpful, but completely detrimental to their purpose of having a mortal life.


Judd Garrett is a former NFL player, coach and executive. He is a frequent contributer to the website Real Clear Politics, and has recently published his first novel, No Wind

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